May Your Wildest Dreams Come True (i.e. Secret method to achieve goals)

Happy New Year to all! With the start of the New Year, often times you will see a lot of new year’s resolutions posted online or discussed with friends and family. I didn’t really see or hear many at all posted this year, which is a bit strange, not sure if it’s no longer ‘a thing’, or if people are just too busy, or if I just missed it myself, or perhaps folks just don’t feel the need to post their goals publicly, as social media seems to be shifting away a bit from personal statements to more broadly generic stuff such as images/media/memories (meh).

Out with the secret – and it’s really not a secret at all – just something that seems to be overlooked at times. The single greatest way to achieve your goals is to write them down, old school pen and paper (or pencil, or quill pen, or any other writing instrument which you actually write with — i.e. Not A Keyboard), and place the list of goals where you will see it every day. It is pure magic. Simply by writing down your goals, I would estimate a 90% increased chance of achieving those goals within a year’s time.

Some goals will be quicker, others will take longer, but writing them down and placing that list where you will see it every day will serve as a constant reminder of what you are aiming for. Otherwise you may have goals and hopes and dreams in the back of your mind, however everyone is busy, at work all day, commuting, with families and kids and responsibilities, and those dreams may stay just in your mind. Put them on paper, take a look at your goals every morning, that way even though you may be at work all day, your brain will be circling over and over your goals, and all of your actions throughout the day will be with those goals in mind. Before you know it you will have all kinds of new ideas and inspiration on how to achieve those goals, as subconsciously your brain is doing all this work in the background, trying to make your desires a reality.

The act of writing down your goals will also force you to be specific. The more specific you are, the more realistic you will be with yourself, the better traction you will make.

Try this method out! Give it a shot, test out some goals, modify it throughout the year as needed. Guaranteed results, no doubt about it… Happy 2018! 🙂


I have been playing Tales from the Borderlands when I have time, it was the Xbox Live Gold member free game of the month in December. Very good overall!! Funny thing is I didn’t really enjoy the original Borderlands game and universe. It sold a ton of copies and while I did play through the original, I always thought it was a bit one-dimensional. Pleasantly surprised that this new take on the game offers a ton of new depth and character development which was missing in the original. P.S. – If you’re an Xbox Live Gold member, you have two free game downloads every month, a very worthwhile benefit.


zero gravity (i.e. Terran CVC combat marines ejecting from a medivac dropship into hostile territory, WooT.)

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Anne Vena says:

I enjoy reading these

zero says:

Awesome, thanks!

Johnny Truong says:

Great read! I still find myself writing down goals/tasks that needs to be accomplished. SMART acronym is a very useful tool. Keep these coming.

zero says:

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!! I do like the SMART acronym as well, simple and easy to remember yet very effective.

Aunty barbara says:

Always write myself notes, goals, bucket list, feels good to have the freedom to do or just say no! NO stress, just some self motivation. Lol leave yourself a voice mail reminder it works!

[…] I think it was a combination of things.  For one, see my prior article on achieving goals (, one of my stretch goals that I had written down was ‘Be a Vegetarian’.  I mean it […]