ZeroGrav – Thoughts Are Fleeting – Q3 2021

Mmmmmm so this quarter’s blog post will be a bit different, not as lengthy and analytical as usual, rather just a collection of thoughts or things I’ve heard turned into one-liner quotes. It has been non-stop busy these past few months, I was actually quite concerned that I wouldn’t post this in Q3… seeing as Q4 is two days away… however we are here now! So here we go:

There are not enough hours in the day…

Waking up early is the best… waking up early is the worst..!

Hedges r fok.

I am pretty sure I saw Hulk Hogan driving around, windows down, just chillin’. Yep.

Thoughts are fleeting… write them down.

Don’t be chasin… let things arrive on their own.

Hustle over muscle.

‘Rien ne pèse tant que un secret’…. French for ‘Secrets are heavy’.

Fossil circle hierarchy… it’s a thing.

Ape wear apparel, I need some.

If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck.

Blasting the soundtrack to Contra Remastered on repeat while tooling around on a mountain bike.

This is the way.

So that is about it for this quarter’s entry. I hope you all enjoyed, haha. I do keep thinking to myself almost daily, about there not being enough hours in the day… so much to do, always. I think this is great though, I find myself greatly appreciating time, and a diversity of priorities… and maybe going a little crazy in the process. 😛

Until next time!

-zero grav

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