ZeroGrav – Q4 2021 – Lowest Common Denominator

Lowest Common Denominator – The lowest common denominator of a set of fractions is the lowest number that is a multiple of all the denominators: their lowest common multiple.

Howdy all`!!  I have been contemplating a lot of things to write about this quarter… Everything from the 7 month journey of $AMC stock and market corruption, a reflection on the City of Light (Paris!), Pinky & The Brain, the power of a gaze, and even randomly Scrooge McDuck!  Yes, so much on my mind…

And so, I have decided to boil it down to one concept, Truth.

After all, when we are talking, or writing, or just going about our daily routine, aren’t we just living our versions of the truth?  We go about our realities, accepting things as they are, and occasionally pushing back and picking up some nuggets of truth.  (Some may push back more frequently, heh).  I believe the ‘Lowest Common Denominator’ in all things is ‘truth’… and it is quite a journey!

In any given situation, you can accept what you see, hear, and feel, as the truth.  OR you can push back, question, dig deeper, and do a bit more-fact finding before you consider that the truth.  That’s one of the unique characteristics we all have as individuals, our own lens on what is real, the flexibility to adjust accepted truths, to form our own opinions.

Let me share some specific examples.  Might as well reference the topics above!

AMC Stock – The public float and shares outstanding is tallied at $513.96M.  Yet if you tally the ownership between insiders, institutions, and retail investors, the number of shares is in the multiples of b-b-b-b-Billions.  So what is the truth..?  The public float published on all formal and legitimate reporting sources, or the grand total when you add the reported numbers together?  (Spoiler alert… it’s the latter, but market makers don’t want to admit it, because they will be in a lot of trouble…).

City of Light (Paris) – Did you know that Paris, France is referred to as the City of light?  Or did you only know Paris as ‘Paris’ (in French accent)?  🙂  A simple example to display the more you learn, the more your curiosity peaks, which in turn reinforces more learning.

Pinky & The Brain – This is a tough one for me, I will write about it in another separate post. The cartoon itself is wonderful, based upon ‘laboratory mice’ which plan to take over the world… a fun show.  However after working in biotech for a few years now… let us just say that I do not blame Pinky & The Brain for wanting to take over the world.  It is a no-win situation for animals… and it seems most people aren’t even aware.  Does anyone reading this know the truth of medical vaccines (i.e. Where they come from?).

Power of a Gaze – If you look at someone, who is looking in a different direction, they will turn towards you.  Simple truth.  Yet no one has ever really spent the time to think about this.  AND we all deny it… so is it a truth or not?  (::Drops mic::).

Scrooge McDuck – Hero of all heroes.  This animated duck gathers gold coins and does it with integrity, honesty, and fights off baddies along the way.  I would question… When we are all driven to secure a financial future for our families, what is the truth?  The journey or the destination?

Oof, heavy topics!  Big questions!  All best taken with a dose of levity.  In the past, such questions could only be asked by word-of-mouth.  Now we have the internet and social media, which makes things faster… so much Faster!!  So take some time to consider, before reaching any conclusions.  The ‘truth’ will become clear when you are ready… and only then. It is all a learning experience.

There are no such things as coincidences, as a friend recently shared with me.

Wishing everyone a joyful holiday season and a Happy, Healthy New Year!!!


– Zero

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