Zerograv – August 2019 – Brkfree

I wrote this with a synth / industrial sound background in mind, if anyone musically talented wants to turn this into a beat that would be excellent. Also looking to commission an artist to sketch out the image, haha.


break free from the system

It’s demanding, it’s reprimanding

break free from the system 

There’s monsters on the loose

Skyscrapers for bodies and giant platinum-plated dollar signs for heads

Claws that rake and destroy everything in their path, natural resources, animals, and anything else they can squeeze

break free from the system

Worker bees trapped at desks staring out the windows, watching or not watching the destruction

The goal of improved health for all

noble Yes, however when the means don’t justify the end

Aren’t we all pretending

and its greed driving the system,,

accumulate wealth and give away our health

The scales are slowly tipping

we don’t need the monsters,

They need us,

It’s almost time

freedom is on the horizon

break free from the system

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