Zero Gravity is Launch.
Personal Finance / Career / Gaming
My blog averages around 10 readers a month, however last month’s article (see ‘there be no shortcuts here‘) had ~40 unique readers, and so I am reusing the catchy title this month in an attempt to generate similar results. Haha hey this is already off to a good start, coincidentally threw in the word ‘reusing’,
Read MoreTitle of this post should be pronounced in the same fashion as Rage Against The Machine’s distorted metal vocal ‘There be no shelter here – Tha frontline is everywhere’. Just because. Background image for this post is an image from Thronebreaker, which is the single-player campaign version of Gwent. Gwent is a strategic/tactical card game
Read MoreOne of my favorite gaming memories of all time happens to have occurred when playing one of the best games of all time, none other than Skyrim (i.e. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim). I was a novice warrior, traversing the rolling outdoor hills and mountains of Skyrim, wearing light trousers, t-shirt and a worn vest,
Read MoreMy work and most corporate office jobs involve a lot of e-mails. Whether there are notes to / from co-workers, suppliers, customers, or other, I am estimating roughly 500 sent and 500 received e-mails is probably about right for an individual in an average month. Of course some notes are of substance while others are
Read MoreI have done the unthinkable, I have ‘logged off’ of amazon’s Prime service, and no plans to return. What!? I have used amazon prime for years, thanks to bro for sharing, and have utilized the free 2-day shipping service quite extensively. Anything from games to books to clothing and gifts, and over the past year
Read MoreZeroGrav – October 2018 – Celebrating Failure As you might know from prior posts I am big on setting, adjusting/fine-tuning, and working towards goals each year. For 2018 I have a couple of goals related to running, both of which I have failed on miserably year-to-date! One is to run a 5k in less than
Read MoreZeroGrav – Sep 2018 – Opposites Attract / Like Attracts Like, a Paradox ‘Opposites Attract’ is one of those terms or cliche phrases which has been around forever, and as such is assumed to be true. It is the go-to phrase when there are two unlike people in a relationship or friendship which seem to
Read MoreCommuting to and from work in Massachusetts is tough. The average commute time a couple years ago was probably somewhere around 30 – 40 minutes for most folks, and it seems to be getting worse, I am thinking 45 – 65 minutes is more accurate today. 45 minutes twice a day, 90 minutes, 5 times
Read MoreBig topic, where do I begin with this one? I have been thinking about music a lot recently. It is such a powerful thing, why is that? Is it something we just perceive as a sensory perception (hearing/sound), or is it more than that? And how can I integrate more music back into my life?
Read MoreAlmost like a mid-year performance review, however with less focus on progress and results and more a reflection on thoughts, I am taking a look back at my prior blog posts for the year. (Edit: I was originally thinking to cover only 2018 monthly posts, however it looks like I started blogging in June 2017,
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