Happy New Year to all! 2020 is here… Wow! Funny thing when I consider that it’s 2020, I just keep remembering how with the turn of the century in 2000 everyone was worried about the ‘Y2K bug’, and how computers around the world would seemingly explode from not being able to fathom we were no longer in the 1900’s. Glad that sorted itself out (or did it… I’ve seen my google calendar display a 1900 date several times when loading… hmmm!).
New for my blog in 2020 – I will be posting quarterly updates, as opposed to monthly. I feel like my blog entries are fully loaded and I have no time to actually reflect upon their content after writing, hence the focus of this year’s first article – Reflect (New Year).
What good are our experiences if we plan them, live them, however then don’t take the time to think back on them, learn and grow from them? I think by setting aside some time to reflect, maybe those experiences will be enriched. Such as in a videogame, you might gain 100 experience points for completing some sort of quest, however if you then take some time to analyze the results of the battle/task/strategy/etc, you usually get a boost and also improve your skill, so you’re netting +10 additional experience while getting closer to leveling up.
When I look back on my 2019 blog posts, I am certain a bit more reflection and then actually implementing what I have learned would be beneficial. Here is a quick rundown of posts and key takeaways from the year:
Jan 2019 – Lycanthropy (skyrim/beast): This was really fun. I took a shot at writing some fiction and like how it turned out. I admit I held back though, the adventure books I read are much more violent, which adds to the realism of battle. I’d rather my blog be friendly to all audiences though.
feb 2019 – there be no shortcuts here: By far the most popular/well-read post I have written. I had something like 50-60 readers as opposed to the monthly average of 10. I have reflected on the concept of ‘shortcuts’ frequently throughout the past year. I am convinced we live in a shortcut society, it is not good. The world needs to get back to foundational, simple ways of living. It is a huge problem, however the solutions are many times available and right in front of us.
mar 2019 – there be no recycling here: I have failed to implement my own observation, that single-use plastics are terrible for the environment. Much more reflection and actual action needed.
Apr 2019 – ‘Superhero Syndrome’: Working in pharma/biotech, there are a lot of self-righteous people. There are also a lot of good people. Trying to thread the balance…
May 2019 – Another slice of Abundance Pie please: The sun comes out when we realize there is more than enough for everyone. 🙂
June 2019 – to France!: this was a magical trip. Positively that is just me being naive to traveling Europe, however I will always remember this trip fondly.
jul 2019 – linked hero I ~ Linkin Park: one of many heroes, connected through time and space, I look forward to writing of others.
August 2019 – Brkfree: a poem type thing I wrote. refer back to my July 2017 ‘FIRE’ article to understand. 🙂
sep 2019 – Not Perfect: embracing imperfection by remaining determined yet flexible. (Easier said than done!).
Oct/Nov 2019 – Can’t Take It: this article says put YOU first… go to the gym, stay active and fit, don’t give your health away because an office job forces you to sit in a chair for 8+ hours per day. Ironically immediately after I wrote this entry I was working on a super-stressed negotiation and completely neglected my own advice for almost two months. Youch! Not making that mistake again. :]
If you would like to more fully read any of the above articles please feel through to scroll through my site, the complete content is all there.
In addition to the above, I’d have to say 2019 flew by. I took a quick glimpse at my 2018 blog posts and honestly feel that I had written them not long ago, apparently I need some additional reflection on 2018 as well! There are just so many experiences and writings to think back on, I almost feel like a computer from Y2K, which now finds itself in the future and in dire need of a patch… haha.
To conclude this first quarterly article, I’d also like to highlight the background image ~ Mirror Force ~ This is a trap card which destroys all of your opponents monsters when they declare an attack. Without even delving into the context of the card game, I would simply state 2019 has taught me to keep Mirror Force in mind. If you or me or anyone attacks something strongly, there can be repercussions. There is always a balance preserved by the universe. I try to keep this in mind when making decisions,… that our actions can and will indeed be reflected, as if by a mirror force. Positive intentions out = positive energy in.
Happy New Year to all!
– zero
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